Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Professor |
01-09-2015 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Associate Professor |
October, 2010 |
August, 2015 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
June, 2007 |
September, 2010 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Lecturer |
09-01-2002 |
14-06-2007 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Lecturer |
October, 1995 |
January, 2002 |
VMR Polytechnic College, Warangal. |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
RachakndaSwetha and G.Raghotham Reddy “Retrieving Stereo Image Using Visual Word Pairs With Convolution Neural Network” Indian Journal Of Computer Science And Engineering (IJCSE), e-ISSN:0976-5166 p-ISSN:2231-3850, Vol. 11, No. 5,pp.651-657. |
2 |
Ramudu Kama, Ch.Kalyani and G.Raghotham Reddy“Enhancement and Segmentation of Medical Images using AGCWD and ORACM” International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) Vol.16,No.13, 2020,pp.45-57. |
3 |
Ramudu Kama and GantaRaghotham Reddy“Modified Spatial Kernel Fuzzy clustering by Median Membership filtering and Level Set Method for Automatic Segmentation of Oil Spill from Earth Observatory Images” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No.4, (2020), pp.8703 –8715. |
4 |
Ramudu Kama and GantaRaghotham Reddy“Level Set Segmentation of Oil Spills from Earth Observatory Images Via Spatial KFCM Clustering” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-6, April 2020. |
5 |
Kama Ramudu, KalyaniCh,TummalaRangaBabu and GantaRaghotham Reddy“Segmentation of Soft Tissues and Tumours from Biomedical Images using Optimized K-Means Clustering via Level Set formulation” International Journal ofIntelligent System applications (IJISA), Vol.11,issue 9, September-2019, pp: 18-28, Mecs Publisher, ISSN: 2074-904X (Print), ISSN: 2074-9058 (Online). |
6 |
ChKalyani, Ramudu Kama and GantaRaghotham Reddy,“A review on optimized K-means and FCM clustering techniques for biomedical image segmentation using level set formulation” in Biomedical Research (India)-An International Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol.29,No.20, 2018, , pp: 3660-3668.(WOS AND SCOPUS). |
7 |
GantaRaghotham Reddy and S.P.Girija“Local Homogeneity Based Morphological Operators for Segmentation of Fabric Defect via LSE”International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-4, November 2019 |
8 |
ChKalyani, Ramudu Kama and GantaRaghotham Reddy, “Optimized Segmentation of Tissues and Tumors in Medical Images using AFMKM Clustering via Level Set Formulation” in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.13,No.7, 2018, (ISSN:0973-4562), pp: 4989-4999.(UGC Listed Journal). |
9 |
T.Rajitha and G.Raghotham Reddy, “Segmentation of single oriented images with cage active contours”IJITR, ISSN 4327-4241 Volume 04, Number 5 (2016),0973-4562 Volume 04, Number 5 (2016) pp 4237-4241. |
10 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, B.Narsimha, Dr.B.RajenderNaik and R..RameshwarRao“Image Segmentation using Level set Evolution Driven by Complex wavelets” Indian Journal of science and Technology, 2016(SCOPUS INDEXING) |
11 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, K.Ramudu, A.Srinivas, R..RameshwarRao“Segmentation of Medical Imagery with Wavelet Based Active Contour Model” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3675-3680© Research India Publications. (SCOPUS INDEXING) |
12 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, Kama Ramudu, R.Srikanth and RameshwarRao“Level set Segmentation of Oil spill Images with non-separable Wavelet Trasform.” International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN: 1947-5500, Volume-14, Issue-7, 2016. |
13 |
G.Raghotham Reddy,K.Ramudu, A.Srinivas, and R.RameshwarRao, "Fast Level Set Evolution of Region Based Segmentation of Satellite and Medical Imagery on Noisy Images," International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 1, (ISSN:2010-362X),pp. 78-81, 2011. |
14 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, K.Ramudu, A.Srinivas, R.RameshwarRao“Global Region Based Segmentation of Satellite and Medical Imagery with Fast Level Set Evolution on Noisy Images”The International Journal of Information Studies, Article pages: 157-165Year2011issue,No: Volume 3, Number 4, 2011 (Print)ISSN:1911-8408 (Online)ISSN: 1911-8414. |
15 |
G.RaghothamReddy, K.Ramudu, A.Srinivas, R..RameshwarRao“Fast Medical Image Segmentation of Region – Based Using Active Contours on Noisy Images”inInternational Journal of Image Processing and Applications (IJIPA), 2 (1), 2011, (ISSN 0975-8178), pp: 73-78. |
16 |
Raghotham Reddy Ganta, Syed Zaheeruddin, NarsimhaBaddiri and R. RameshwarRao“Segmentation of Oil Spill Images with Illumination Reflectance based Adaptive Level Set Model.” in the IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing(IEEE JSTARS), Volume: 5, Issue: 5 (in press) DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2201249. |
17 |
RaghothamReddyGanta, Syed Zaheeruddin, NarsimhaBaddiri and R. RameshwarRao“Biomedical image segmentation using spatial KFCM based level set formulation” in Special Issue on "Biomedical Signal and Image Processing" of International Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics (American Scientific Publishers). Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012, 2156-7018/2012/2/200/006. DOI:10.1166/jmihi.2012.1085. ISSN:2156-7018(Print):EISSN:2156-7026 . |
18 |
DanrajKatta. Raghotham Reddy and R. Srikanth“Levelset based segmentation using momentum and resilent propagation ” International journal of engineering and advanced technology (IJEAT)ELSEVIER (.ISSN 2249-8958), Vol 3, Issue-1, Oct 2013 |
19 |
Kama Ramudu, NishathFathima, Alekhya, Udayini. B, B. Komuraiah and G. Raghotham Reddy “Enhancement of spatial KFCM clustering with adaptive levelset segmentation for oil spill images” ELSEVIER Book for ICPVS 2014 (.ISBN-978-93-5107-228-7),Kakatiya University-Warangal, 27th -28th March. 2014. pp 77-85. |
20 |
Kama Ramudu, G. RaghothamReddy,R.Pushpa&T.Rangababu“A mean shift clustering based segmentation of HR satellite imagery using levelset approach” ICRAVES 2014.ISBN- ISSN (Online):2349-0020, ISSN (Print): 2394-4544,SREC,-Warangal, 19th -20th Dec. 2014. pp 127-131 |
21 |
Kama Ramudu, A.Srinivas ,R.Nirmala Devi, S.Munika&G. Raghotham Reddy“Medical mage segmentation of a new metric distribution using GAC &levelset approach” ICRAVES 2014.ISBN- ISSN (Online):2349-0020, ISSN (Print): 2394-4544,SREC,-Warangal, 19th -20th Dec. 2014. pp 122-126 |
22 |
B. Komuraiah, P. Indraja, CH. Pavan Kumar, A. Srinivas and G. Raghotham Reddy“ Novel Algorithm for Image Enhancement” in ICRAVES 2014,19th -20th December 2014 at SREC-Karimnagar, Telangana ,India. ISSN (Online):2349-0020, ISSN (Print): 2394-4544. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Ramudu Kama, KalyaniChinegaram and Dr.GantaRaghotham Reddy “Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images using Fuzzy K-Means Clustering via Level Set Evolution” LAMBERT Academic Publisher (LAP), International Book Market Service Ltd, Beau Bassin 71504, Mauritius, ISBN : 978-620-0-00712-4 published on 18.04.2019. |
2 |
KalyaniChinegaram,Ramudu Kama, and Dr.GantaRaghotham Reddy“Performance of Image fusion and outlier detection Via LSC on a CSVLS” RESEARCH REVIEW Scholar Press, International book market service Ltd., member of omni scriptum group, 17 meldrum street, Beau Basin 71504, Mauritius, ISBN : 978-620-2-31015-4 published on 01.05.2018. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Kama Ramudu, G.Rghotham Reddy,S.P.Girija and A.Srinivas“Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images using Fuzzy Gaussian Mixer Level Set Method” 4th International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT-20), KITS, Warangal during 24-25th , September 2020 (Springer Proceedings). |
2 |
KalyaniCh, Kama Ramudu, A.Srinivas and G.Rghotham Reddy“Optimized Segmentation of oil spills from SAR Images using Adaptive fuzzy K-Means clustering via Level Set Evolution” 8th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2019), GNITC, HYDERABAD during 2-3rd , august,2019. |
3 |
G.Raghotham Reddy,Vishwanath P, V.Shobhan Reddy and R.RameshwarRao“Level set method based biomedical image Segmentation using particle swarm optimization with KFCM “ICIICT 2018, Feb 22-23rd ,2018, Chennai, INDIA. |
4 |
P.Yugander and G.Raghotham Reddy,“Liver Tumor Segmentation in noisy CT images using distance regularized level set evolution based on Fuzzy C-MEANS Clustering “IEEE International Conference on recent trends in EICT, May 19-20,2017, INDIA, 978-1-5090-3774-9/17@2017. |
5 |
P.Yugander and G.Raghotham Reddy, “Segmentation of Noisy Images Using Improved Distance Regularized level set evolution “IEEE International Conference on circuits power and computing Technologies ICCPCT 2017, 20-21ST April ,2017, INDIA, 978-1-5090-4967-7/17/@2017. |
6 |
G.Raghotham Reddy,E.Suresh, M.Sampath Reddy, S.UmaMaheshwar“Neuro-Fuzzy System for Automatic Multi Level Image segmentation using KFCM and Exponential Entropy” in Proc. of 2006 IFIP International Conference on Intelligent Information Processing (ICIIP) 2006 – Adelaide during September 20 – 22, 2006 Adelaide, Australia, (ISBN 978-0-387-44639-4) Pages 367-372. |
7 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, S.Avinash, S.Pruthvi Kumar “ Level Set Frame Work For Curve Evolution and Image Segmentation” in Proc. of International conference conducted by World Congress of Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS-2007) ,San Francisco, USA during October 2007 pp 1017-1024 (ISBN 978-988-98671-6-4). |
8 |
K.PunnamChander, G.Raghotham Reddy, B.Narasimha, A.Vijaya, “VHDL Simulation of Digital Watermarking Processor towards Development of a Secure JPEG Encoder”in Proc. of International Conference on Aerospace Electronics, Communications & Instrumentation – (ASECI-2010) V. R. Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, 6th – 7th Jan. 2010,pp 302-305. |
9 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, Dr.ShamlaMathur, Harish Ankam, Srinivasulu Reddy P. “Image Segmentation Using Shape Driven Geometric Snake on Biometric Images”in Proc. of International Conference on Aerospace Electronics, Communications & Instrumentation (ASECI-2010), V.R. Siddhartha Engineering College,Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India, 6th – 7th Jan. 2010, pp 306-311. |
10 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, Tara Sai Kumar, R..RameshwarRao“Image Segmentation Using Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering on Level Set Method” at Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP2010), (ISBN: 978-1-4244-9017-2), Manila, Philippines, 4th -5th Dec. 2010 pp 144-148. |
11 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, K Ramudu, Syed Zaheeruddin, R..RameshwarRao“Image Segmentation Using Kernel Fuzzy C-Means Clustering on Level Set Method on Noisy Images” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP2011), (ISBN: 978-1-4244-9797-3), NIT-Calicut, 10th -12th Feb. 2011 pp 522-526. |
12 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, K.Ramudu, B.Dharmender, R..RameshwarRao“Segmentation of Standard Median filtered bit plane image using Modified level sets” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Signal processing, communication and computer network (ICSCCN 2011),Kanyakumari, tamilnadu ,India. July 22nd-24th 2011. |
13 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, Syed Zaheeruddin, B. Narsimha and R. RameshwarRao“Illumination-Reflectance Based Novel approach for Level Set Evolution” in Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology ( IEEE EIT- 2011), Minnesota state university, USA pp 1-5. |
14 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, Syed Zaheeruddin, B. Narsimha and R. RameshwarRao“Segmentation of Shadow Images Using IR Based Adaptive Level Set Model.” in Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal processing, Computing and Networking technologies (ICSCCN-2011),Noorul Islam University, India. pp 56 - 60, 2011. |
15 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, M. Mahesh Chandra and R. RameshwarRao“Segmentation of Blurred images using improved chanvese snake model ” in Proc. of 2011 IEEE International Conference on Signal processing, Computing and Networking technologies (ICSCCN-2011),Noorul Islam University, India. pp 502-505. |
16 |
G.Raghotham Reddy,K.Ramudu, P.Yugander, R..RameshwarRao“Fast Global Region based minimization of satellite and medical imagery Using GAC and level set evolution on Noisy Images”in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS 2011),Trivandrum,Kerala ,India. 22nd-24th Sep 2011. |
17 |
G.Raghotham Reddy, K.Ramudu, A.Srinivas, R..RameshwarRao“Region based segmentation of satellite and medical imagery with level set”in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems (RAICS 2011),Trivandrum, Kerala ,India. 22nd-24th Sep 2011. |
18 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, Syed Zaheeruddin, B. Narsimha and R. RameshwarRao“IR Based Level Set Evolution for Segmentation of Shadow Images.” in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems, (RAICS-2011), Trivandrum, India, pp 885 - 889, 2011. |
19 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, Syed Zaheeruddin, B. Narsimha and R. RameshwarRao“Robust Level Set Image Segmentation Based on Modified Fuzzy Clustering.” in Proc. ofIEEE International Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT-2011), AMU, Aligarh, India. pp 168-171, Dec 2011. |
20 |
G.Raghotham Reddy,M.MaheshChandra ,KRamudu,, R..RameshwarRao“Active contour based Color Image Segmentation “Obcom 2011, Part II, CCIS 270, pp 173-185@Springer verlag berlin Heidelberg 2012. ISBN: 978-3-642-29215-6 (Print) 978-3-642-29216-3 (Online). 10.1007/978-3-642-29216-3_20.(Book Title:Global trends in information Systems & software applications). |
21 |
G. Raghotham Reddy, Syed Zaheeruddin, B. Narsimha and R. RameshwarRao“Particle swarm optimization clustering based level sets for image segmentation.” in Proc. of annual Indian conference, (INDICON 2012) India, pp 1053- 1056. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE -91289853) |
2 |
Member Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE- LM 34640) |
3 |
Member Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE- F159837) |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Microprocessors(8086) and Microcontrollers |
Microprocessors(8086) and Microcontrollers |
Linear Integrated Circuits |
I Sem, III/IV, ECE |
Digital Signal Processing |
Basic Electronics |
II Sem, II/IV, IT |
VLSI Design |
I Sem, IV/IV, ECE |
Microprocessors(8085) and system interfacing |
II Sem, III/IV, IT |
Postgraduate Level |
Artificial Neural Networks |
I Sem, M.Tech-DC |
Digital Image Processing- Pattern Recognisation |
II Sem, M.Tech-DC |
Satellite Communication |
II Sem, M.Tech-DC |
Computer Architecture |
I Sem, III/IV, ECE |
Digital Image Processing |
I Sem, IV/IV, ECE |
S. No. |
Programme |
Duration |
Organized by |
1 |
Artificial Intelligence |
1-1-2021to 5-1-2021 |
Aditya Institute Of Technology And Management (A) |
2 |
DST sponsored National workshop on “Deep Learning for Image Processing applications” |
28th to 29th January, 2021 |
Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Puducherry |
3 |
Online FDP on “ Technological advances in wireless Communication systems” |
22nd to 26th June, 2020 |
Aditya Institute Of Technology And Management (A) |
4 |
Digital Image Processing with MATLAB |
8th to 13th June 2020 |
Data Teach Labs, Hyderabad |
5 |
Deep learning for Engineering Applications |
6th to 8th February, 2020 |
KITS, Warangal |
6 |
NBA accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE) |
Jan-April, 2020 |
7 |
Advances in IoT |
12th-22nd, December, 2019 |
KITS, Warangal |
8 |
Life Skills for Engineers-Level -II” organized by the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) and University of Hyderabad (UOH) |
November 6 to December 20, 2018 |
IIT,Kanpur |
9 |
Information Theory and Coding Applications |
21st -26th November, 2018 |
NITW, Warangal |
10 |
Real Time Embedded Systems and IOT, its Applications (RESIOT) |
17th -22nd December, 2018 |
NITW, Warangal |
11 |
Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP-2017) |
4th- 9th December,2017 |
NITW and CMR Technical CAMPUS, Hyderabad |
12 |
Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP-2017) |
24th- 30th June, 2017 |
CMT Technical Campus, Hyderabad |
13 |
Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions and Industries |
19thh-23rd July, 2017 |
14 |
Opportunities, Challenges and Research Trends in Wireless Sensor Networks |
11th 15th, December, 2017 |
Osmania University |
15 |
Intelligent Signal Processing and control system Design Using Bio-inspired Algorithms |
22nd-31st May,2017 |
NIT, Warangal |
16 |
Hands on NI LABVIEW |
03rd -9th May, 2017 |
ECE&EIE, KITS, Warangal |
17 |
Use of ICT in education for online and Blended learning |
June 1st-5th July,2016 |
18 |
Digital Communications and FEC |
11- 15th April 2016 |
Electronics & ICT Academy and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIT, Warangal |
19 |
Wireless Communication-Hands on |
14th-23rd December 2015 |
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at NIT, Warangal |
20 |
Signal Processing and Its applications |
19th -23rd December, 2016 |
Dept.of ECE, KITS(s), Huzurabad. |
21 |
Entrepreneurship Development |
23.02.2015 to 07.03.2015 |
KITS, Warangal |
22 |
Effective functioning of an Autonomous institution |
17-18th January, 2015 |
KITS, Warangal |
23 |
Responsibility of youth in implementing technology for better society |
13th December, 2014 |
ISTE-KITS, chapter at KITS, Warangal |
24 |
Teacher’s role in an autonomous Institution |
29th November, 2014. |
ETC-KITS, chapter at KITS, Warangal |
25 |
Educational Utilization of Indian Standards |
26 |
FPGA Based Design for VLSI and Embedded System Applications |
28 July 2007 |
Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Warangal Sub-center and Unistring Tech Solutions, Hyderabad. |
27 |
17-18 Feb 2003 |
Department of E&I Engineering at KITS, Warangal |
28 |
PSPICE for Electronic Circuit Analysis- Theory & Practice |
8-19 March 2004 |
Department of ECE at Srinidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad |
29 |
Microcontrollers and its Applications (MCIA) |
7-19 June 2004 |
Department of E&I Engineering, at KITS, Warangal |
30 |
28-29 December, 2006 |
IETE, Sub-Centre and Department of ECE, KITS, Warangal |
31 |
Digital Signal Processing-Recent Advancements |
23-25 January 2009 |
Department of ECE, at KITS-Singapur, Huzurabad |
32 |
Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Applications |
13th-25 July 2009 |
Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology (NIT)-Warangal |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Contributed as Reviewerfor 4th International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology (ICDECT-20) organized by Department of ECE, KITS, Warangal during 24-25th , September 2020 |
2 |
Acted as a Reviewer for the International Journal IETE Journal of Education |
S. No. |
Title of Lecture/ Academic Session |
1 |
Delivered a lecture in AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP), Phase-I on “Hands on Project Based Approach for Biomedical Signal Analysis using MATLAB”on 31.12.2020 organized by department of ECE, KITSW. |
2 |
Delivered a lecture in AICTE Sponsored Faculty Development Program (FDP), Phase-I on “Hands on Project Based Approach for Biomedical Signal Analysis using MATLAB”on 11.02.2021 organized by department of ECE, KITSW. |
3 |
Acted as a chair/co-chair for Communication image and signal processing at an International conference ICRAVES’14 at SREC, Warangal during 19th-20th December 2014. |
4 |
Acted as Resource person for AICTE-ISTE sponsored workshop on MCIA during 7-19 June 2004 |
5 |
Acted as Resource person for Delivering a lecture 8086 Microprocessor architecture and ALP on 23.02.2010 during a 5 days training program for PG teachers in Microprocessor, Microcontrollers and digital communication during 22.02.2010 to 26.02.2010 at Dept of Physics, KU, Warangal |
S. No. |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. | Organized by |
1 |
Kalyani Ch, Kama Ramudu, A.Srinivas and G.Rghotham Reddy “Optimized Segmentation of oil spills from SAR Images using Adaptive fuzzy K-Means clustering via Level Set Evolution” |
8th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICIECE-2019), |
GNITC, HYDERABAD during 2-3rd , august,2019. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Acted was Convener for Faculty development program on “Recent advances in VLSI” held at KITSW during 8th -9th 2014 |
5 |
Acted as a chair/co-chair for Communication image and signal processing at an International conference ICRAVES’14 at SREC, Warangal during 19th-20th December 2014 |
6 |
Acted was Convener for Faculty development program “Advanced signal Processing Techniques for Communications” held during March 22-23.2013 |
7 |
Chairman for preparation of SAR (Tier II) for Re-Accredited by NBA in the year 2014 for 2 years vide letter No: F.No. 11-76/2010/NBA, Dt:08.07.2014 |
8 |
9 |
Chairman for preparation of SAR (Tier II) for Re-accredited by NBA for 3 years (i.e for the academic year 2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20) vide letter No.11-76/2010/NBA, dated: 29.03.2018 |
10 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Organizing Committee Member for the Annual Sports Day on 15.04.2018 (Ref No.KITSSD/DPE/2018.dated 11.03.2018.) |
9 |
Organizing Committee Member for the Cultural Fest ”SANSKRITI-18” 12-13th April 2018 at KITS, Warangal (Ref No .01/OP/ KITS/2018/.dated 04.04.2018.) |
10 |
Acted was Convener for National level Technical Symposium “Electrocom’15” held at KITSW during 23rd -24th January,2015 |
11 |
Acted was Convener for National level Technical Symposium “SUMSHODINI” held during March 4-5,2013 |
12 |
Member, organizing committee for Annual graduation day on 31st March, 2015 at KITSW |
13 |
Member for KITS, Warangal –UGC Autonomous status-constitution of academic council (Ref No .KITS/ACAD/2016.dated 03.10.2016.) |
14 |
Member of organizing Committee for the FDP on “Quality Assurance in higher Educational Institutions and Industries “during 19-23rd July, 2017 (Ref No.413/OP/KITS/17.dated 16.05.2017.) |
15 |
Member of organizing Committee for the National Level Technical Fest”SUMSHODHINI-17” 16-18th, Feb 2017 at KITS, Warangal ((Ref No .KITS/PA/2017/383.dated 07.02.2017.) |
16 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Annual Graduation Day on 28.04.2017 (Ref No.001/OP/KITS/17.dated 15.04.2017.) |
17 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Annual Graduation Day on 22.04.2016 (Ref No.97/OD/KITS/16.dated 28.03.2016.) |
18 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Annual Sports Day on 15.03.2016 (Ref No.KITSSD/DPE/2016.dated 11.03.2016.) |
19 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Cultural Fest”SANSKRITI-16” 18-19th March 2016 at KITS, Warangal ((Ref No .OP/KITS/2016.dated 08.03.2016.) |
20 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Annual Graduation Day on 31st, March 2015 at KITS, Warangal (Vide No.57/OP/KITS/2015 dated 23.03.2015). |
21 |
Member of organizing Committee for the Annual Sports Day during 30th, March 2015 at KITS, Warangal (No.57/OP/KITS/2015 dated 23.03.2015 |
22 |
Member for the Cultural Fest”SANSKRITI-15” during 1-2ND, April 2015 at KITS, Warangal (Vide No.65/OP/KITS/2015 dated 24.03.2015). |
23 |
Member, committee for best all-rounder and academic excellence for Annual graduation day on 31st March, 2015 at KITSW. |
24 |
Member, organizing committee for ALUMNI MEET and Silver jubilee reunion at KITSW, on 21st December, 2014. |
25 |
Member, Scrutinization committee for faculty recruitment at KUCE, KU Warangal. |
26 |
Member Affiliation committee for Extending of affiliation of Engineering colleges (UG&PG) under KU |
27 |
Participated in an Interactive Session on “Brand Management Practices for Institutional Development” with Richard King, Sr. Consultant, TCS-Hyderabad, at KITS Warangal during Oct 2012 |
28 |
In charge of Microprocessor Development laboratory & actively participated in modernization and up gradation of microprocessor lab worth Rs 11 lakhs |
29 |
I am one of the coordinators for “SHUMSHODINI’05” (a National level Technical Paper Presentation Contest). |
30 |
Accompanied the third year ECE Students for their Industrial visits to BSNL-Hyderabad, BEL-Bangalore and Air Traffic Control (ATC) system, Shamshabad Airport, Hyderabad in the years 2002-03, 2014-15 and 2018-19 respectively |
1 |
Presently Chairperson for Board of Studies, ECE Department ,KITS, Warangal(Autonomous) |
2 |
Chairperson for Board of Studies, ECE Department, Kakatiya University, Warangal from 01.06.2011 to 01.06.2013. |
3 |
Head of ECE department from 01.06.2011 to till date |
4 |
Coordinator for M.Tech. (Digital Communications) Programme. |
5 |
Acted as Resource person for Delivering a lecture 8086 Microprocessor architecture and ALP on 23.02.2010 during a 5 days training program for PG teachers in Microprocessor, Microcontrollers and digital communication during 22.02.2010 to 26.02.2010 at Dept of Physics, KU, Warangal |
6 |
Framed the M.Tech. (Digital Communications) course evaluation scheme and syllabi. |
7 |
Acted as Resource person for AICTE-ISTE sponsored workshop on MCIA during 7-19 June 2004 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
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Member, Constitution of committee to scrutinize CAS application in ECE department in the academic year 2014-15 |
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Member BOS in ECE of Kakatiya University (Ref to KU orders No.583/B3/KU/2004, dated 30/6/2004, No.572/B3/KU/2006) from10-07-2006 for a period of two years, and 172/B3/KU/2009 dated 12.02.2009
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A.Srinivas and Dr.GantaRaghotham Reddy received a grant of Rs.7.0Lakhs from Department of Science and Technology, Delhi for conducting National Level Seminar on “Deep Learning for Engineering Applications”June /July 2019 with file No.DST/ICPS/WORKSHOPS/ ST/2019-AI as Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator respectively. |
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“Gloves for identifying plants and the plant disease”by Intellectual Property India patents, Application Number: 325591-001, Cbr No: 307,Design accepted and Published on 28.02.2020 by National Patent (KOLKATA) Controller general of patents, Designs and Trademark, Dept. Of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. |
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“Scanner to Identify Fake Passport”by Intellectual Property India patents, Application Number: 330160-001, Cbr No: 10129,Design accepted and Published on 28.08.2020 by National Patent (KOLKATA) Controller general of patents, Designs and Trademark, Dept. Of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. |